
Mother of Mercy House grew out of a desire to discover new ways of being Church in areas which can no longer afford big buildings and massive properties but which still need the presence of Christ.

The area of Kensington was hit hard by church closings and so it seemed obvious that this was an area to consider. Even more, being the second food hungriest district in the United States, an area filled with immigrants, a neighborhood suffering with poverty, violence and addiction, Kensington was the perfect place to bring such a new ministry.

We arrived here with a simple desire to be the presence of Christ and the Church, to reach out with the love and mercy of God, to discern the needs of the people who live here and to respond as best we could.

We are continually inspired by Pope Francis’ call to “be a poor Church for the poor,” to be a “field hospital,” to “take the Church to the frontiers,” to “move beyond our comfort zones” and be where others might not want to be.

As one author put it, “According to Pope Francis’s theology, full time Christians don’t sit down to admire their faith in the reflection of a mirror, nor talk about it over dinner, but they come out of themselves, embrace their cross with courage and walk the streets to share with the poor and needy the good news of God’s love.”

Inspired by these words which bring the Gospel to life, we at Mother of Mercy House strive to share the mercy of God with all through prayer and sacraments, through counseling and support, through neighborhood walks, through food assistance, and by being a simple, safe, secure and steadfast Christian presence in Kensington.